Maja Salkic Burazerovic
Producer (Sarajevo)

Maja Salkić Burazerović was born in Sarajevo on September 29, 1979. She attended primary and music school in Baghdad, Iraq and Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She later graduated from The Second Gymnazium in Sarajevo and enrolled into the Acting Department in the Academy of Performing Arts in Sarajevo.

While at the Academy she performed numerous acting roles, and upon completion of her studies in 2001 she continued acting in most theaters in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She played her first role in the Sarajevo War Theater SARTR in 2003, and later, in 2004, she accepted permanent employment there.

At SARTR, she performed in the following plays: “Phoenix Has Burned in Vain”, “Katarina Kosača, “Doll’s pathlessness”, “Cloudy Skies”, “War, God and The Rest”,  “On fire”,  “This is Ionesco, you fool”,  “Rabbit

hole”, “It was a beautiful and sunny day”, “Winnie the Witch”, “Happy End”, “The Graduate”,  “One Happy evening in Sarajevo”, “The Animal Farm”,  “The Little siren”,  “States of shock”,  “Master and Margarita”, “Jedvanosimsoboakalomistobo”, “We are born naked an the rest is”,  “Folk drama”,  “The Bullying Collection”, “That’s Not It”,  “Sarajevo Feeling”,  “Call me God”. Maja also performed in various plays in Sarajevo Chamber Theater 55, Sarajevo National Theater and independent theater associations. She was cast for several TV series and film roles and radio dramas.

Maja Salkić Burazerović is the founder of the ALTTEATAR association, which deals with independent theater production, as well as education for young people in the field of art and theater.

For over ten years, she has been volunteering in the Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired people, helping with the production of audio books for library users.

Maja worked in the “Hope and Home for children” organization, promoting foster care in Bosnia and Herzegovina through theatrical representation of the stories of foster mothers from all walks of life. She worked on youth education projects dealing with the topic of non-violent problem solving through

dramatic play.

She has led acting workshops for children and young people at the Hermann Gmeiner SOS Center and has also led workshops  for the elderly people at the Sarajevo Center for Healthy Aging. She worked as a

coordinator on the Educational Scenes project on the topic of gender-based violence and women victims of war (screenplay, direction, acting), within the UNFPA project (UN population fund BiH). She also worked as a coordinator on the UNFPA Bodyright project, which dealt with the protection abd safety of women on the internet.

Since 2013 she has been engaged in the project Commemorating the Genocide in Srebrenica- annual performance taking place in Potočari and Sarajevo.

For her independent and collective work in theater, Maja has received numerous awards.

She speaks English and Italian, as well as German passively.



The Expanding Theater Landscapes project brings together theater artists from Norway, Italy, and Bosnia to create three performances under the question: How to talk about refugees from a European theater scene today?

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